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This Book Is Inspiring For Wannabe Entrepreneurs

how i braved anu aunty and co founded a million dollar company, best novel for startups business story

After reading How I braved Anu aunty and co-founded a million dollar company by Varun Agarwal, I realized the author is right in saying that we each have in our lives a character like Anu aunty who is skeptical of our dreams and diminishes our potential by their taunting remarks.

I could not put the book down once I started it. There were moments which made me cry with laughter, also times when the book made me learn a thing or two about running a business. This book has in it a story of hard work, determination and most importantly, it is about being patient with success.

Key reminder that this is not a self help book although the title might make you feel it is. The book is written like a novel and serves like a pep talk for all wannabe entrepreneurs. The book was also adapted into a movie called Tumse Na Ho Payega in 2023.

This book is a must read for not only entrepreneurs but also students who are figuring out what to do in their lives. Times of India wrote about the book - written in a boyish, almost bordering on childish style, that could appeal to some or prove to be a turn off for others. At least for me it was definitely a fun read.

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